Results for 'Rebecca Kechen Dong'

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  1.  15
    Emotion and International Business: Theorising Fear of Failure in the Internationalisation.Rebecca Kechen Dong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The road to internationalisation is paved with risk, uncertainty, the possibility of failure, and the Coronavirus Disease-19 phenomenon. However, the process of internationalisation theory treats an individual decision-maker as a “black box.” Emotions are largely ignored by international business researchers. This study offers conceptual thoughts on the role of fear of failure in the process of internationalisation. It argues that managers experience this emotion in making internationalisation decisions for a firm, which is an area of study that requires further understanding. (...)
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    The established-imago and the destroyed-imago are knock the Thanatos-Two cases of the Death drive : A case of murder ‘Junam- reservoir case’ and the Rebecca's Mrs. Danvers -. 김정금 - 2016 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 81 (81):581-608.
    정신분석사전을 펴낸 장 라플랑슈는 융이 사용했던 언어 ‘이마고’를 두고 주체가 타인을 파악하는 방식을 선택적으로 결정하는 무의식적 인물의 원형이라고 말했다. 이어 그 원형은 가족관계에서 현실적이거나 환상적인 주체간의 최초의 관계로부터 만들어 진다고 정의하기도 했다. 또한 몇몇 논문들에서 밝히는 ‘이마고’는 우리 마음속에 자리 잡고 있는 어떤 형상에 대한 생각으로, 어린 시절 초기 양육자들과의 관계 행위들과 사회화 과정에서 받은 영향들이 개인의 주요 성격적 특질들로 형성되어 무의식 속에 자리 잡고 있는 복합적인 이미지로서 타인과의 관계양상에서 표출된다고 말해진다. 본고에서는 이 이마고와 죽음욕동의 관계를 살펴보고자 한다. 프로이트에 의해 (...)
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    Moses Maimonides: rabbi, philosopher, and physician.Rebecca B. Marcus - 1969 - New York,: F. Watts.
    A biography of the Spanish-born Jewish philosopher, rabbi, and physician of the Middle Ages who spent a good deal of his life in Egypt and whose works influenced the thinking of Jews, Christians, and Moslems.
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  4. Can Patents Deter Innovation?Michael Heller & Rebecca Eisenberg - 1998 - Science 280:698-701.
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    Cued partial recall of categorized words.Tim Dong - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 93 (1):123.
  6.  15
    The stigma of perceived irrelevance: An affordance-management theory of interpersonal invisibility.Rebecca Neel & Bethany Lassetter - 2019 - Psychological Review 126 (5):634-659.
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  7. Well-Defined Interventions and Causal Variable Choice.Zili Dong - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (2):395-412.
    There has been much debate among scientists and philosophers about what it means for interventions invoked in causal inference to be “well-defined” and how considerations of this sort should constrain the choice of causal variables. In this paper, I propose that an intervention is well-defined just in case the effect of interest is well-defined, and that the intervention can serve as a suitable means to identify that effect. Based on this proposal, I identify several types of ambiguous intervention. Implications for (...)
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  8. Moral Indulgences: When Offsetting is Wrong.Rebecca Chan & Dustin Crummett - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 9:68-95.
  9.  9
    A search for specificity in understanding CA and context.Rebecca Black, Tara Tarpey, Sarah Creider & Hansun Zhang Waring - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (4):477-492.
    The conversation analytic view of context is often critiqued as being too narrow. In this article, we join the ongoing debate regarding conversation analysis and context by 1) synthesizing existing scholarly attempts at either conceptualizing or exploring the possibilities of combining CA and ethnography and 2) giving further considerations to whether or how resorting to talk-extrinsic data may be beneficial. We do so by providing four illustrative cases, with increasing complexity, from four different settings. In each case, an initial CA (...)
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    The Limited Value of Dementia‐Specific Advance Directives.Rebecca Dresser - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (2):4-5.
    Many people are worried about developing dementia, fearing the losses and burdens that accompany the condition. Dementia‐specific advance directives are intended to address dementia's progressive effects, allowing individuals to express their treatment preferences for different stages of the condition. But enthusiasm for dementia‐specific advance directives should be tempered by recognition of the legal, ethical, and practical issues they raise. Dementia‐specific advance directives are a simplistic response to a complicated situation. Although they enable people to register their future care preferences, in (...)
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  11.  36
    Why is Crafting the Job Associated with Less Prosocial Reactions and More Social Undermining? The Role of Feelings of Relative Deprivation and Zero-Sum Mindset.Yanan Dong, Limei Zhang, Hai-Jiang Wang & Jing Jiang - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (1):175-190.
    Employees frequently engage in job crafting to better match their jobs with their personal abilities and skills. Compared with its benefits, the potential detrimental consequences of job crafting have received less attention from researchers. Drawing on relative deprivation theory, we examined employees’ potential negative reactions to coworkers’ job crafting. We proposed that coworkers’ job crafting is positively related to employees’ feelings of relative deprivation, thus reducing prosocial behaviors and giving rise to social undermining. We further argued that employees’ zero-sum mindset (...)
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    On acknowledging differences that make a difference: My two cents.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2005 - Educational Studies 37 (2):215-224.
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  13. When Intuition is Not Enough. Why the Principle of Procreative Beneficence Must Work Much Harder to Justify Its Eugenic Vision.Rebecca Bennett - 2013 - Bioethics 28 (9):447-455.
    The Principle of Procreative Beneficence claims that we have a moral obligation, where choice is possible, to choose to create the best child we can. The existence of this moral obligation has been proposed by John Harris and Julian Savulescu and has proved controversial on many levels, not least that it is eugenics, asking us to produce the best children we can, not for the sake of that child's welfare, but in order to make a better society. These are strong (...)
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  14. Consciousness and modal empiricism.Rebecca Roman Hanrahan - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (2):281-306.
    David Chalmers supports his contention that there is a possible world populated by our zombie twins by arguing for the assumption that conceivability entails possibility. But, I argue, the modal epistemology he sets forth, ‘modal rationalism,’ ignores the problem of incompleteness and relies on an idealized notion of conceivability. As a consequence, this epistemology can’t justify our quotidian judgments of possibility, let alone those judgments that concern the mind/body connection. Working from the analogy that the imagination is to the possible (...)
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    Can routine screening for alcohol consumption in pregnancy be ethically and legally justified?Rebecca Bennett & Catherine Bowden - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (8):512-516.
    In the UK, it has been proposed that alongside the current advice to abstain from alcohol completely in pregnancy, there should be increased screening of pregnant women for alcohol consumption in order to prevent instances of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network published guidelines in 2019 recommending that standardised screening questionnaires and associated use of biomarkers should be considered to identify alcohol exposure in pregnancy. This was followed in 2020 by the National Institute for Health and Care (...)
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    Feminism and Natural Right in François Poulain de la Barre and Gabrielle Suchon.Rebecca Wilkin - 2019 - Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (2):227-248.
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    Student Version of the Teacher–Student Relationship Inventory (S-TSRI): Development, Validation and Invariance.Rebecca P. Ang, Soo Lin Ong & Xiang Li - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    What Entrepreneurial Followers at the Start-Up Stage Need From Entrepreneurship Cultivation: Evidence From Western China.Xuefan Dong, Chengxiang Tang, Ying Lian & Daisheng Tang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    An Optimal Choice of Cognitive Diagnostic Model for Second Language Listening Comprehension Test.Yanyun Dong, Xiaomei Ma, Chuang Wang & Xuliang Gao - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Cognitive diagnostic models show great promise in language assessment for providing rich diagnostic information. The lack of a full understanding of second language listening subskills made model selection difficult. In search of optimal CDM that could provide a better understanding of L2 listening subskills and facilitate accurate classification, this study carried a two-layer model selection. At the test level, A-CDM, LLM, and R-RUM had an acceptable and comparable model fit, suggesting mixed inter-attribute relationships of L2 listening subskills. At the item (...)
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    Distributional learning of speech sound categories is gated by sensitive periods.Rebecca K. Reh, Takao K. Hensch & Janet F. Werker - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104653.
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    Vulnerability and the Consenting Subject: Reimagining Informed Consent in Embryo Donation.Rebecca Hewer - 2019 - Feminist Legal Studies 27 (3):287-310.
    Informed consent is medico-legal orthodoxy and the principal means by which research encounters with the body are regulated in the UK. However, biomedical advancements increasingly frustrate the degree to which informed consent can be practiced, whilst introducing ambiguity into its legal significance. What is more, feminist theory fundamentally disrupts the ideologically liberal foundations of informed consent, exposing it as a potentially inadequate mode of bioethical regulation. This paper explores these critiques by reference to a case study—embryo donation to health research, (...)
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  22.  30
    Reflecting on Responsible Conduct of Research: A Self Study of a Research-Oriented University Community.Rebecca L. Hite, Sungwon Shin & Mellinee Lesley - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (3):399-419.
    Research-oriented universities are known for prolific research activity that is often supported by students in faculty-guided research. To maintain ethical standards, universities require on-going training of both faculty and students to ensure Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). However, previous research has indicated RCR-based training is insufficient to address the ethical dilemmas that are prevalent within academic settings: navigating issues of authorship, modeling relationships between faculty and students, minimization of risk, and adequate informed consent. U.S. universities must explore ways to identify (...)
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  23. Leibniz as a virtue ethicist.Hao Dong - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (2):505-527.
    In this paper I argue that Leibniz's ethics is a kind of virtue ethics where virtues of the agent are explanatorily primary. I first examine how Leibniz obtained his conception of justice as a kind of love in an early text, Elements of Natural Law. I show that in this text Leibniz's goal was to find a satisfactory definition of justice that could reconcile egoism with altruism, and that this was achieved through the Aristotelian virtue of friendship where friends treat (...)
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  24.  21
    Catastrophes and primary school drawing course design for moral education in China.Xuan Dong, Feng Chen & Limeng Xu - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (13):1421-1433.
    This paper examines how drawing classes can contribute to moral education in primary schools. This paper uses class observation, interviews with teachers and students, and analysis of students’ wor...
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    Moral Burden of Bottom-Line Pursuits: How and When Perceptions of Top Management Bottom-Line Mentality Inhibit Supervisors’ Ethical Leadership Practices.Rebecca L. Greenbaum, Mayowa Babalola, Matthew J. Quade, Liang Guo & Yun Chung Kim - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (1):109-123.
    Drawing on theoretical work on humans’ adaptive capacity, we propose that supervisors’ perception of top management’s high bottom-line mentality (BLM) has a dysfunctional effect on their ethical leadership practices. Specifically, we suggest that these perceptions hinder supervisors’ empathy, which eventuates in less ethical leadership practices. We also investigate, in a first-stage moderated mediation model, how supervisors high in trait mindfulness are resistant to the ill effects of perceptions of top management’s high BLM. Supervisors high (versus low) in this trait are (...)
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  26. Imagination and possibility.Rebecca Hanrahan - 2007 - Philosophical Forum 38 (2):125–146.
  27.  32
    Data visualization: A unique storyteller.Xiaoxu Dong - 2019 - Technoetic Arts 17 (3):259-279.
    Science and technology have changed all aspects of our lives, including the mode of narration, from traditional stories to data stories. Storytellers have been integrating visualizations into their narratives. From the case studies of some artworks and our students' works to visualization research, we have found distinct genres of narrative visualization and the education method for university students. We describe the differences between these artworks, together with interactivity and information transmission. Some small experiments and some examples of students' works will (...)
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    Yi Saek: Hanʼguk sŏngnihak ŭi wŏnchʻŏn.Ki-Dong Yi - 2005 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Sŏnggyunʼgwan Taehakkyo Chʻulpʻanbu.
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  29. Psychiatry's Problem with Reductionism.Rebecca Roache - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (3):219-229.
    Psychiatry uncomfortably spans biological, psychological, and social perspectives on mental illness. As a branch of medicine, psychiatry is under pressure to conform to a biomedical model, according to which diseases are characterized primarily in biological terms. But psychiatry also draws on the psychotherapeutic tradition, which explains mental distress in terms of life experience and social influences.These approaches ought to complement each other, but historically this has not happened. With no theory creating global, systematic links between the two approaches, psychiatry is (...)
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    Cluster-based composition rule for stable ternary quasicrystals in Al--TM systems.C. Dong, J. B. Qiang, Y. M. Wang, N. Jiang, J. Wu & P. Thiel - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (3-5):263-274.
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  31. Wright’s path analysis: Causal inference in the early twentieth century.Zili Dong - 2024 - Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science 39 (1):67–88.
    Despite being a milestone in the history of statistical causal inference, Sewall Wright’s 1918 invention of path analysis did not receive much immediate attention from the statistical and scientific community. Through a careful historical analysis, this paper reveals some previously overlooked philosophical issues concerning the history of causal inference. Placing the invention of path analysis in a broader historical and intellectual context, I portray the scientific community’s initial lack of interest in the method as a natural consequence of relevant scientific (...)
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    Simpson’s paradox beyond confounding.Zili Dong, Weixin Cai & Shimin Zhao - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (3):1-22.
    Simpson’s paradox (SP) is a statistical phenomenon where the association between two variables reverses, disappears, or emerges, after conditioning on a third variable. It has been proposed (by, e.g., Judea Pearl) that SP should be analyzed using the framework of graphical causal models (i.e., causal DAGs) in which SP is diagnosed as a symptom of confounding bias. This paper contends that this confounding-based analysis cannot fully capture SP: there are cases of SP that cannot be explained away in terms of (...)
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    Financial Shared Service Centers and Corporate Misconduct: Evidence from China.Wang Dong, Yuan Meng, Jun Chen & Yun Ke - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-27.
    This paper examines the effect of financial shared service centers (FSSCs) on corporate misconduct. Using a sample of Chinese public companies with hand-collected FSSC data, we find that the adoption of FSSCs is negatively associated with the likelihood and frequency of corporate misconduct. The results hold to a battery of robustness tests. Moreover, we show that the negative association between FSSCs and corporate misconduct is more pronounced in firms that have no management equity ownership, disclose internal control weaknesses, and have (...)
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    Communication, leadership and coordination failure.Lu Dong, Maria Montero & Alex Possajennikov - 2018 - Theory and Decision 84 (4):557-584.
    We investigate the limits of communication and leadership in avoiding coordination failure in minimum effort games. Our environment is challenging, with low benefits of coordination relative to the effort cost. We consider two leader types: cheap-talk leader-communicators who suggest an effort level, and first-mover leaders who lead by example. Both types of leadership have some ability to increase effort in groups with no history, but are insufficient in groups with a history of low effort. Using the strategy method for followers’ (...)
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  35.  18
    Executive Function and Academic Achievement in Primary School Children: The Use of Task-Related Processing Speed.Rebecca Gordon, James H. Smith-Spark, Elizabeth J. Newton & Lucy A. Henry - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  36. Perfecting Political Performance : Spinning, Gandhi and Virtuosity.Rebecca M. Brown - 2016 - In Arundhati Virmani (ed.), Political aesthetics: culture, critique and the everyday. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  37. Virtue.Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung & Rebecca DeYoung - 2017 - In Daniel Treir & Walter Elwell (eds.), Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, 3rd edition.
    Virtue in Scripture What is a Virtue? The History of Virtue and the Human Good (Plato, Aristotle, Stoics, medieval Christians, Hume, Kant, Foot, MacIntyre) Challenges to Virtue (situationism) Bibliography.
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    Allocating Defense and Recovery Resources for Spatial Networks against Cascading Failures.Zhengcheng Dong & Meng Tian - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    This paper proposes the models of allocating defense and recovery resources for spatially embedded networks, respectively, both of which consider the length of links as the allocation cost. In the defense model, the amount of defense resources required for each zone depends on the total length of the links they contain. It is found that dispersed allocation performs better and that parameters that allow for a uniform distribution of link lengths produce better results. In the recovery model, a shortest link (...)
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    Out of the Freezer and into the Policy Fire: Quandaries in Reproductive Cryopreservation.Rebecca Feinberg - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (4):6-7.
    The field of assisted reproduction is advancing rapidly and is ripe for regulation and guidance. In 2018, over four thousand frozen eggs and embryos were lost to approximately one thousand patients at Ahuja University Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, due to an accidental thaw of a cryopreservation tank. The precedent that will be set by the Ahuja class‐action case is significant for both past events and future possibilities and is core to the discussion of policy involving the cryopreservation of gametes and (...)
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    Electronic Cigarette Vaping Did Not Enhance the Neural Process of Working Memory for Regular Cigarette Smokers.Dong-Youl Kim, Yujin Jang, Da-Woon Heo, Sungman Jo, Hyun-Chul Kim & Jong-Hwan Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundElectronic cigarettes as substitute devices for regular tobacco cigarettes have been increasing in recent times. We investigated neuronal substrates of vaping e-cigs and smoking r-cigs from r-cig smokers.MethodsTwenty-two r-cig smokers made two visits following overnight smoking cessation. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data were acquired while participants watched smoking images. Participants were then allowed to smoke either an e-cig or r-cig until satiated and fMRI data were acquired. Their craving levels and performance on the Montreal Imaging Stress Task and a 3-back (...)
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    Françoise THÉBAUD, Écrire l'histoire des femmes, ENS Editions, 1998, 228 p.Rebecca Rogers - 1999 - Clio 10.
    La communauté des historiennes doit se féliciter de cette publication lucide et stimulante sur la pratique de l'histoire des femmes en France depuis les années 1970. Alors que le contexte actuel est clairement celui des doutes et des remises en cause ­ pour ne pas parler de « crise » ­, le tour d'horizon que nous offre Françoise Thébaud montre les acquis considérables d'une approche sexuée de l'histoire. L'éclairage comparatif adopté permet de situer la production française par rapport...
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    Odile Goerg (dir.), « Perspectives Historiques sur le Genre en Afrique ».Rebecca Rogers - 2009 - Clio 29.
    Saluons cette collection d’articles qui illustre bien le déplacement des interrogations depuis la publication Les Africaines par Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch en 1994. Odile Goerg nous invite ici à passer de l’histoire des femmes à celle du genre en ouvrant les Cahiers Afrique aux jeunes chercheurs, dont les orientations de recherche se nourrissent des travaux récents sur les pays colonisés ou anciennement colonisés. Le résultat est un ensemble stimulant de textes qui partage avec d’autres col...
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    Can We Do without Respect and Justice in Animal Research Ethics?Rebecca L. Walker - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (5):46-47.
    This book review essay discusses Principles of Animal Research Ethics (2020), by Tom L. Beauchamp and David DeGrazia.
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    Competitive Bluffing: An Examination of a Common Practice and its Relationship with Performance.Rebecca M. Guidice, G. Stoney Alder & Steven E. Phelan - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):535-553.
    Bluffing, a common and consequential form of competitive behavior, has been comparably ignored in the management literature, even though misleading one's rivals is suggested to be an advantageous skill in a multifaceted and highly competitive environment. To address this deficiency and advance scholarship on competitive dynamics, our study investigates the moral reasoning behind competitive bluffing and, using a simulated market-entry game, examines the performance effects of bluffing. Findings suggest that decision makers' views on the ethicality of bluffing competitors differ from (...)
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    Moral entanglements with a changing climate.Rebecca Elliott - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (6):967-979.
    This essay explores the theorization of moral valuation outlined in Stefan Bargheer’s Moral Entanglements: Conserving Birds in Britain and Germany when extended to the climate crisis. It considers, first, how ‘nature’ is valued when it confronts people and societies as a source of threat, rather than of recreation or resources. Second, the essay critically examines the role of moral discourse in the collective work of addressing climate change and its relationship to practice.
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    Finite-time stability and boundedness of switched nonlinear time-delay systems under state-dependent switching.Yali Dong & Fengwei Yang - 2016 - Complexity 21 (2):267-275.
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    A manifesto for philosophy.Rebecca Buxton & Lisa Whiting - 2021 - Think 20 (59):9-24.
    Most academics in philosophy departments accept that the discipline needs to change for the better. In this piece, Rebecca Buxton and Lisa Whiting offer several proposals for how to make philosophy a more inclusive place for everyone.
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  48. Contribution of Vocabulary Knowledge to Reading Comprehension Among Chinese Students: A Meta-Analysis.Yang Dong, Yi Tang, Bonnie Wing-Yin Chow, Weisha Wang & Wei-Yang Dong - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Unrequited.Rebecca Bamford - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (3):355-360.
    Abstract:I raise several concerns with Earp and colleagues' analysis of enhancement through neurochemical modulation of love as a key issue in contemporary neuroethics. These include: (i) strengthening their deflation of medicalization concerns by showing how the objection that love should be left outside of the scope of medicine would directly undermine the goal of medicine; (ii) developing stronger analysis of the social and political concerns relevant to neurochemical modulation of love, by exploring and suggesting possible counters to ways in which (...)
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    The Public Health Value of Opioid Litigation.Rebecca L. Haffajee - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (2):279-292.
    Opioid litigation continues a growing public health litigation trend in which governments seek to hold companies responsible for population harms related to their products. The litigation can serve to address gaps in regulatory and legislative policymaking and in market self-regulation pervasive in the prescription opioid domain. Moreover, prior opioid settlements have satisfied civil tort litigation objectives of obtaining compensation for injured parties, deterring harmful behavior, and holding certain opioid manufacturers, distributors and pharmacies accountable for their actions. In this way, opioid (...)
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